Minecraft Gameplay Mods
Welcome to the Gameplay Mods and Addons category of MCPE-GAME. Here you will find a great list of the most popular and recent Minecraft Gameplay Add-ons update daily by ours.

Skills Addon adds character progression and skills to Minecraft, which you can improve by doing many things. Whether it’s combat, resource mining or farming, you can now pump up your skills and get different bonuses, just like in RPG games!
Download Skills Addon for Minecraft 1.17 / 1.16+
Skills Addon [McAddon]
Pet Beacons Add-on adds a small but very useful feature to Minecraft. Now, as soon as you get 15 blocks away from your pet, a beacon will appear to indicate its location. This way you can easily find your companion!
Download Pet Beacons Add-on for Minecraft 1.17 / 1.16+
Pet Beacons [McPack]
Download the FenceJumper Addon for Minecraft Pocket Edition and add the ability to jump over fences to your game!
Download FenceJumper Addon for Minecraft 1.17 / 1.16+
FenceJumper [McAddon]
Thirsty Addon will make the game more realistic and interesting. Now your in-game character will need to drink, similar to hunger. And for the extraction of clean drinking water you will be able to create unique items!

With this add-on you will be able to control the weather and cause various cataclysms – rains, earthquakes, lava explosions and much more!
Download Environment Controller Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
The Aggressive Animals Add-on will add to the game the ability of peaceful mobs to attack the player. This addon changes the usual gameplay of the game, making it more realistic.
Download Aggressive Animals Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
Death & Kill Counter Add-on adds two kinds of counters to the game, which will display under the character’s nickname his total number of deaths or the number of kills of other players. This is an indispensable mod for all fans of PvP maps, allowing you to quickly determine the leader. Also available is a general table of results of all players on the server, when you go to the pause menu.
Download Death+ Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
If you feel sorry for throwing away items you’ve ever created, with the Uncrafting Table mod you’ll be able to disassemble them into materials. The mod adds the Uncrafting Table to the game, where you can disassemble the unwanted item and get the components used for its crafting.
Download Uncrafting Table Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
Uncrafting Table [Resource] Uncrafting Table [Behavior]
Player Graves – Graves add-on for Minecraft PE, which will appear after the death of the game character and contain all the resources and items you found! Now you will no longer lose your accumulated goodness by appearing too far away, and the graves mod itself after death even adds some realism to the game.
Download Player Graves Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
Parallax Sounds Add-on for Minecraft, making the game world more vivid and realistic. By installing this addon you will get a new volumetric sound in weather effects, creatures, environment and actions of the game character!