Minecraft Food Mods
Welcome to the Food Mods and Addons category of MCPE-GAME. Here you will find a great list of the most popular and recent Minecraft Food Add-ons update daily by ours.

FoodCraft — новый Майнкрафт мод на еду и напитки, добавляющий в игру 48 новых типов блюд на любой вкус. Теперь ваш игровой персонаж точно не останется голодным, ведь в моде вы найдете напитки, супы, десерты и конечно, основные блюда мировой кухни!
Скачать мод FoodCraft для Minecraft PE
Foodcraft-V4.mcaddon Foodcraft V5 [Resource] Foodcraft V5 [Behavior]
FoodCraft is a new Minecraft food and drink mod that adds 48 new types of food to the game for every taste. Now your game character won’t stay hungry for sure, because in the mod you will find drinks, soups, desserts and of course, the main dishes of the world cuisine!
FoodCraft Addon Direct Download Links
Foodcraft-V4.mcaddon Foodcraft V5 [Resource] Foodcraft V5 [Behavior]
Thirsty Addon will make the game more realistic and interesting. Now your in-game character will need to drink, similar to hunger. And for the extraction of clean drinking water you will be able to create unique items!

With the Eating Ore Add-on your game character will be able to eat ore and ingots, getting various bonus effects for it! By the way, hunger will also be restored, because any ore is quite nourishing!
Download Eating Ore Add-on for Minecraft 1.17 / 1.16+
Eating Ore [McAddon]
More Plants Add-on will allow you to create a full-fledged farm or small vegetable garden and grow fruits and vegetables. The mod adds many new crops that you can plant, grow, and then use as food!
Download More Plants Addon for Minecraft 1.17 / 1.16+
More Plants [McAddon]
The Egg Foods Add-on will add new cooking options to Minecraft, using eggs as the main ingredient! With this food mod, your game character will not go hungry!
Download Egg Foods Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
With the Food Deco addon you will be able to decorate the rooms in your home with decorative dishes and mugs with drinks. And this addon is also suitable for creating a real medieval tavern!
Download Food Deco Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
Pie Plus is a small food mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition, adding new recipes for crafting pies from in-game ingredients. Create meat, apple, carrot and other pies that give bonuses to your character!
Download Pie Plus Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
Fast food is considered unhealthy, but not in Minecraft! With Junk Food Add-on, you can add more food to the game, such as pizza, doughnuts, chocolate, and more to satisfy your hunger and give your character extra power!
Download Junk Food Add-on for Minecraft PE 1.17 / 1.16+
With the Eatable Swords Add-on you not only get new swords in Minecraft Bedrock Edition, but also new food, because now you can eat any weapon! Fight your enemies with weapons made of meat, chicken, watermelons, carrots, and other foods, and celebrate your victory with a hearty snack afterwards!