Minecraft Villages Seeds

Using this winter seed for Minecraft PE you will find yourself in a snowy biome, and next to the revival point there will be two villages covered in snow at once. Also, under one of the houses is a vast cave with a lot of resources.
Seed ID: -361649757

Using Minecraft seed on a village with a portal, you can quickly progress through the game in survival mode, finding useful items in houses or trading with civilians. There are also two ruined portals near the spawn point and a large gorge full of useful resources. And from a bird’s eye view you can see 5 small rivers joining together to form 1 big river!
Seed ID: -228008064

This is one of the best Minecraft plains village siders, because here you will find 2 villages of civilians, 1 abandoned village with zombies, incredibly beautiful mountain biomes and outpost of bandits.
Seed ID: -2041765778

Using this seed you can start the game in the desert, next to the village, temple and outpost of robbers in Minecraft PE!
Seed ID: 1125106324

This Minecraft PE world generation key will allow you to start the game near a village divided into two parts by a ravine, where you can find useful resources for survival. Next to the village of civilians is a destroyed portal, which will save resources to go to the lower world.
Seed ID: 1220909631